Monday, May 02, 2005

Email updates Mark's accident

Monday, May 2, 2005
Dear Friends & Family,
I have come home tonight to spend the night with the boys. I have been at the hospital with Mark every day and night since Thursday. Mark's mom and sister, Sandra, took care of the boys ALL weekend, thank God for them, they have been angels, sacrificing so much of their own time to take care of Wade and Cody for days at a time. Thank you.

Mark is doing better everyday. He can walk all the way down the long hall and back with a walker. Can make it to the restroom without a walker, has been working on his right shoulder with physical therapists, he has an AC separation which makes it impossible at the moment to raise his right arm. He can't pick up a drink or put on a shirt or take it off right now since his right arm won't cooperate, it is moderate pain he says, but anyone who knows Mark, knows how he is, he is so tough so if he says it's mild to moderate pain, then translated for the rest of us it means "severe"
He is SO busy during the day now at rehab, his day starts at 6am and goes non stop till about 6pm. Almost every hour he has a new activity, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Psychologist, nurse, pills, eat and then start over again after lunch.
It's still hard for him to sleep at night, he is so uncomfortable he says, which is to be expected I'm sure with his injuries. He was xray'd again today for the chest as always but also for the pelvis, Doc thinks he also may have a fracture there that hasn't been caught.
Mark just found out about the diagnosis of his arm from the MRI he had done last week. We knew it didn't work, we just didn't know why.
He is in better spirits, but still depressed and angry, which the psychologist said is perfectly normal for this type of traumatic accident.
I am SO happy he is getting better. I hate to leave him at all. I had to leave last wed night because I didn't have a babysitter and Mark told me he didn't want me to leave and wanted me to stay the night, it broke my heart when I had to leave him. But luckily, that's when his mom and sister stepped in and took the kids for the last 4 days and nights for us. Mark and I have been doing good, he says I spoil him, that's my job :-) I love him SO much, I just can't wait until he can be home.
It's strange, he has been in the hospital for a month and 3 days now. He doesn't remember the first 3 weeks at all. All the sleepless nights we spent in the ICU waiting room just to be near him if anything happened and he doesn't remember any of, that he is getting better and can remember day to day again, he wants me to be with him all the time. Which I love, I love to be with him every second, but I also need to be with the boys too, I'll be so happy when my heart won't be ripped in two anymore between my husband and my sons, when I can have them all under ONE roof!!
I will feel so much better when my family is all home together again, where I can take care of everybody together.
Thank you for everyone who has been helping and sending money, mowing grass, feeding my cats and taking care of the boys.
A special thank you to Don Drake who raised $1350 for us!! The most awesome donation was a check from Dave Hicks, Mark's boss. Thank you so much.
We have received wonderful cards and donations from family too, Grandma, Aunt Gini, Mark's Uncle Harvey & Aunt Eva, my Aunt Lynn in Texas, my cousin Teta, gifts from my cousin Vicki, and many many more, I could keep going but I am very tired and still need to finish a load of laundry, take a shower and try to get some sleep before taking the babies to daycare in the morning and then finally getting back to Mark at the hospital, I try to get their early in the morning to help him with all I can before all the therapies begin.
Thank you for your prayers, they are WORKING!!!! :-)
Mark's wife,

Hello, May 3, 2005
I thought I would send some pictures today to show you Mark's improvement!!! He looks wonderful doesn't he????
BIG change from the picture a month ago in ICU!!!!! And this is his hospital room at the Rehabilitation Center at St. Mary's he has a view of the garden outside and even a bird feeder.

He is improving everyday, it takes awhile but as you know Mark is a fighter! He walks all the way down the hall now with a walker, can almost dress himself (has a non-working right shoulder) eat REAL food and brush his teeth! He is also in a little better spirits, still very frustrated and sad alot but that's to be expected.
He only talks when he has to, his jaw gets sore fast now from the break and his facial muscles are almost extinct. But that is what all this therapy is for, he works non-stop all day long with Speech, Physical, Occupational Therapies, then with the Psychologist and nutrition specialists, etc. lots of work for someone who can only sit up for a short period of time and can only do about 15 minutes of activity before he is totally drained and has to lay down, but just think of what an improvement this is from even 2 weeks ago in the ICU!!! :-)

The docs, therapists and nurses meet tomorrow to discuss Mark's case and decide how much longer till he can come home. He will have outpatient rehab after he comes home, but hopefully not everyday, it's a long drive and I would have to keep the kids in daycare.
I brought all your cards and letters to the hospital today, he is just now finally aware of things and the world that I can read your get well cards to him, I put them up in his room on the window frames, he likes it............he can receive flowers and things now in this room, course he would much rather have FISHING LURES than flowers!!!!

Here's me with my hero, the 'miracle man'......again, Mark's visibly very thrilled of the picture taking.
(he'll thank me 20 years from now) besides, I knew you would like to see his improvement for yourself! :-)

This other picture is all the photographs I had printed out and taped up in his ICU room and now in his rehab room, so he could see me, the boys and his family to make him feel better.
Thank you so much for all the cards, prayers and kind words. We have LOTS of great friends and family.
Mark's wife,

May 5, 2005
Just wanted to send some pictures of the boys visit with Daddy this evening.

Checking out the pond in the Garden outside Daddy's room.

Boys like to ride with Daddy :-)

Mark is doing better, Doctor said he could go home next week!
Thanks for everyone who is praying, donating money & time, babysitting for us, mowing our lawn, etc.
It's all much appreciated!
All the staff at St. Mary's rehabilitation have been great. I gave all the nurses and therapists some of my homemade soy candles before we left to show them our appreciation!! :-)
Mark's wife,

Monday, May 9, 2005 (39 days)

YES! After about 40 days in the hospital, Mark was finally released today around 1pm. We were thrilled! The ride home was so nice, we rolled the windows down and Mark just stared at everything....said it was so nice to see civilization again.
When we pulled in the garage he just wanted to stay outside awhile, I put a chair in the driveway for him and he sat out front looking at the front yard and the trees, everything so green, it was all still brown when he went in the hospital early spring. After a little while he walked from the driveway to the swing out in the backyard that is by the fishpond and just sat out there a little bit. He was so happy to be home, a little overwhelming too I think so I just let him slowly digest everything.
He is feeling better now and is laying in bed trying to get to sleep tonight. He has LOTS of pills we have to keep track of too. I had to run to the pharmacy this afternoon in addition to the grocery store and to Wendy's since Mark was craving a Wendy's bacon cheeseburger. And that's after unpacking tons of bags and taking care of Mark all day....We are both exhausted! I haven't been home in a couple days, so I know there are many emails for me to read and sort thru, 75 to be exact!! Whew! I may not get to all of them tonight. Lots of good friends and family though, I really appreciate it!
Our good friend Bill Payne who owns Performance Refinish Supply already stopped by today and gave us another donation! He is such a wonderful, special guy. Thanks Bill! :-)
Dad also came by tonight and had ran all the way to the store for us and bought Mark a shower chair and hand held shower sprayer, awesome! Thanks DAD, that saved me another long trip, gas and having to leave Mark again! He also brought us a donation from Emanuel Lutheran Church, thank you SO much for the generous donation, it's so nice. Dad also sent me beautiful mother's day flowers last weekend that were such a great surprise! thank you.
Aunt Jo sent us a donation so thoughtful, thank you so much. She has been sending wonderful cards and emails of encouragement, full of love, that is so appreciated!
there are SO many people who have helped us, prayed for us and donated to us, We are so GRATEFUL! We couldn't have made it thru this without you.
Here's a picture of Cody hangin' out with us in the hospital room Friday night! Cody spent all night with us in the hospital and did very well! The nurses all said what a good little boy he is :-)

God Bless,
Mark's wife,

Tuesday, May 10th, First Full day home!!!
Mark had a nice day home today. Walked around the house a bit, pretty good, just a little wobbly, but mostly slept and rested which he needs alot of. Which anyone who's been hospitalized knows, you can't get any rest there! They come in every couple hours to poke and prod at you, so you never get much sleep :-)
We went back to the hospital to pick up another prescription today, he enjoyed the ride, it was a nice sunny day. I got tons of stuff done and caught up on, here at home, while he rested.
The boys are with Mamaw and Aunt Sandra, they are so nice to take care of the boys a few days so Mark can get settled in at home and relax.
Tomorrow morning is rehab which will last a few hours and then an appt with his jaw doctor tomorrow afternoon.
Things are going well so far, it will be a slow process, but having him HOME is WONDERFUL!! I am SO happy to have him here.
Thank you so much for everyone who has been helping us.
The next door neighbors came over again to mow the lawn today, that is such a load off of us. I am just SO grateful to everyone and we are so appreciative of all the wonderful help and support we have received.
We have the best group of friends and family anyone could ever have. I am relieved that Mark has made it thru this terrible time in his life and is definitely on the road to recovery! Thank you for your prayers

May 11, 2005
Mark is doing well. He is already in bed, goes to bed about 8pm every night, the boys just came home today, they have been at Mamaw's and Aunt Sandra's house the last 3 days. So this evening was the first time we were all home together, it's an unexplainable, wonderful feeling having your family back together under one roof. I am so relieved and grateful.
.....and exhausted(2 more little people to wait on, feed, bathe, clothe) But so glad to have them home! :-) It was kind of nice yesterday when it was just me and Mark home alone, that hasn't happened in years, then we got to missing the boys alot, so we were so glad to get them back today.
Got lots done yesterday, lots of bills paid (ours only) can't afford to pay any of the medical bills, tons of laundry, washed windows, cleaned house, organized marks pills, doctor appts, rehab schedule, etc.
Feel better now that I have a handle on things at home.
It's hard to remember this last month, it's like a tornado of sorrow, despair, lots of praying, crying, friends, family, cards, money, TV news, newspaper reporters, billing clerks, lawyers, lots of crying, lots of doctors, monitors, medicines, surgeries, nurses, trying to keep our chairs in the waiting rooms to sleep in at night from other people, finding babysitters, worrying about the boys, never seeing the boys, moving to rehab, mri's, chest x-rays every morning for a month!!!, it's just more than one person can take sometimes.
But then the storm has to stop sometime .....right? The flood waters would rise to my chin and just when I thought I was gonna drown a blood test comes back with good news or an oxygen monitor shows increased oxygen levels. That's all that kept me going was these tiny steps in the right direction, little steps of Mark's life being saved and coming back to me. The endless days of holding Mark's limp hand and stroking his hair while he was in a coma-like state, unresponsive.....seemed to never end, I remember the day he finally opened his eyes again, thought it would never come and now he is home again....Miracles DO happen.
You know you don't really understand it until you've been thru it, I've heard stories just like Marks before, but you don't 'get it' until you've had it happen to you.
I remember everyone around me telling me things, giving me advice, etc. "Things like this make you stronger" " God doesn't give you more than you can handle" "Miracles happen all the time" These words would just echo in my head over and over again like a broken record I remember the first 3-4 days I just spent in disbelief, staring at the floor and the clock, counting the minutes until the next visitation time.
Just so glad that is all behind us now. Have faith in God, he DOES listen and Miracles DO happen. It's the faith and hope that kept us going.
Love you all,

May 15, 2005

Here is our family VERY happy to have Daddy back home again...........

Daddy is still thin from laying in the ICU hospital bed so long, but he'll get the weight back on, but doesn't he look GREAT!!
We are SO happy, I can't even explain it.
We are going over to his mom's house today for SUNDAY SUPPER!! :-) Things are slowly coming back to normal.
I am just SO grateful to God that he made it and we can all be a family again! We wouldn't have been able to make it without him.
We love him SO much!

May 21, 2005
You won't believe what happened Thursday night!!!! TOYOTA CALLED!!
Wanted Mark to start right away!! He is definitely hired, and is in the hiring pool. He had to tell her he was in a terrible accident and wouldn't be up to working for a little while. She said that she would keep him in the pool, which is only about 50 people right now she said, and as soon as he is ready to work, he can start at Toyota!! :-)
Isn't that nice?! I think God was just testing us. Trying to get us used to living on -0- income for awhile, so we will be prepared for the cut in pay.
So, hopefully everything will work out now. I sent ya'll an email letting you know that the benefit car wash is tomorrow that our friends, Don & Sonya Drake are putting on.
Our friend Greg Wells is doing a car show benefit for us in July. We are lucky to have so many great friends and family.
We took Mark to physical therapy again yesterday, they work on his shoulder alot trying to get it back to functioning again. He also rode an exercise bike for 5 minutes, which is really good, right now his endurance level is super low and 5 minutes is great. He will get back to his old self soon. And now that Toyota is waiting for him, that will give him incentive to work that much harder!
He is still in pain and has to stay on Darvocet 24/7 but it's getting better all the time. His jaw is doing alright, we just saw the jaw doctor this week and said it looks good, but he may lose a couple teeth in the front right where the split went down. The would just die and fall out, shouldn't be painful he said and later on Mark could have implants put in. He can eat most things, just nothing hard and crunchy, like hard candy.
He walks really stiff without moving his head or neck much and still has very little facial expression when he talks. Hope all that comes back.
The boys are doing good and know not to jump on daddy. We are just so happy to all be home together.
Our friend Scott came by to visit yesterday and Don & Sonya were here Thursday night when Toyota called. Mark likes to see his friends now, makes him feel good.
He was still so down and out in the hospital he didn't want anyone to see him. Mostly because he couldn't stand to talk, his jaw would hurt so bad and for the fact that he was still using bed urinal and potty chair next to his bed and had to go all the time since he had that intestinal infection, seadiff (that was contagious). He had caught that infection from the ICU. He just got over that the last week in Rehab.
Anyway, he is doing good. Mostly just sits in the chair, lays on the couch and lays in the bed, changing spots every hour because he gets so uncomfortable. But he can take visitors now.
We are going to Linda's tomorrow afternoon for her birthday.
Hope everyone is doing alright.
We love you,